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Will Vertebroplasty Limit My Range of Motion?

Back pain can be debilitating, and you want nothing more than to finally find relief, but you don’t want to trade your pain for immobility. 

If you need vertebroplasty, you may be wondering if you’ll be able to move normally afterward. We understand that undergoing even the most minimally invasive procedures can be daunting, especially when they’re done on your spine. So we want you to go into it completely informed. 

Here, Dr. Raul Lopez and our team of specialists at the West Texas Pain Institute dive deeper into what life after vertebroplasty looks like. 

An overview of vertebroplasty

A vertebroplasty is a routine, outpatient procedure that addresses spinal compression fractures by injecting surgical cement into your damaged vertebrae and spinal joints. Compression fractures develop when hairline cracks develop in vertebrae, weakening the bone and causing it to collapse. The result is excruciating back pain, stiffness, and limited mobility. 

Before the vertebroplasty, Dr. Lopez administers a local anesthetic to keep you comfortable. You are awake during the procedure, but we can provide mild sedation if you prefer. 

Then, Dr. Lopez uses a special type of X-ray called fluoroscopy to guide the injection needle to the exact location of the damage. He injects the bone cement into the cracks in your vertebra, and as it hardens, it reinforces your spine. 

Life after the procedure

Chances are, you got vertebroplasty because back pain was impeding your quality of life and ability to move. It’s natural to want to know exactly how the procedure impacts your range of motion. 

Vertebroplasty is a highly tolerated and highly effective procedure that allows you to live life without pain and with an increased range of motion as a result. Vertebroplasty often provides faster relief than other spinal compression treatments. 

Immediately following your procedure, you rest in our office for a short while and then continue to rest at home for a day or two. 

After the first few weeks, you should return to your normal routine slowly, especially exercise. You may need to wear a supportive brace for a period of time, as well. 

To improve your post-procedure range of motion, physical therapy sessions that focus on strength-building can also help you find more mobility. 

Another way to maintain a greater range of motion after your vertebroplasty is to focus on mitigating your risk for future fractures. Getting enough calcium, protein, and vitamin D in your diet is one of the best places to start. 

You should also focus on establishing healthy habits, boosting your physical fitness, and taking precautions to avoid falls.

If you’d like more information about vertebroplasty and how it may affect you, you can request an appointment online or over the phone at our El Paso, Texas, office today. 

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